Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thing #3

Writing this blog has shown me that I can write down my thoughts and feelings as I am going through as I finish up my time in the Education program. It can allow me to look back and see what I did and how I felt about a certain assignment. I can also put ideas on a blog to look back at later and maybe put them to use in my own teaching methods.
Blogs can be used to keep your students parents up to date on what their children did in class that day. You can make sure to inform the parents of the homework that the children have. Inform them of upcoming tests so they can help the children study.That is if you are up to doing a blog post once a day. If not once a day it can be done once a week to keep the parents up to date on what happened, or tell them what their children will be doing the following week. Depending on the grade level of the child you can have them start their own blog. The blog can be updated as a group, with videos or class messages.

Thing #2

I've done a few blog posts before, mainly on Myspace, I used them for writing my poetry and getting my feelings out before they consumed me. Don't read many other blogs, I am more into writing my own. It wasn't hard picking my name I just decided to use my name, it makes it easier for everyone as well as myself. Its not easy coming up with a catchy name to go by.  It was pretty fun creating the blog and decorating it, it wasn't hard for me since I spend so much time on the computer. My avatar doesn't  look like me, well not too much , it was kinda hard to make it exactly like me because the clothes it gives you really aren't things I would wear in life. But I put the avatar in a trench coat in honor of my favorite wizard PI Harry Dresden. Of course Harry wears a leather duster not a trench coat but its close enough. So you could say that my avatar shows my personality by my love for reading